Parental Alienation Books

Edited by Baker, A.J.L. and S. Richard Sauber (Notes 1 & 2)
Baker, A.J.L. and Fine, P. (Note 1 & 2)
Baker, A.J.L. & Fine, P. (Note 1 & 2)
Baker, A.J.L. (Note 1, 2 & 4)
Andre, K., & Baker, A.J.L. (Note 1, 2 & 3)
Richard A. Gardner (Note 1)
Gottlieb, L. (Note 1)
Lorandos, D., Bernet, B. & Sauber, S. (Eds) (Note 1)
Warshak, R. (Note 1 & 2)
Stanley S. Clawar and Brynne V. Rivlin (Note 1 & 2)
Amy J.L. Baker, PhD J. Michael Bone, PhD, Brian Ludmer, BComm, LLB (Note 1 & 2)
Joshua Coleman PhD (Note 2)
Amy J.L. Baker Mel Schneiderman (Note 2)
Douglas Darnall PhD (Note 2)
Douglas Darnall PhD (Note 2)
Dr. Kathleen M. Reay (Note 1 & 2)
Lorandos and Bernet
Karen Woodall Nick Woodall (Note 1 & 2)
Robert A. Evans PhD. J. Michael Bone PhD. (Note 1 & 2)
Naish, Dillon, Mitchell
Lynn Steinberg


Note 1: For Mental Health and/or Legal Professionals

Note 2: For Parents

Note 3: For Children

Note 4: For “Adult Children”